#VIVAIMT : 42 start-up du 1er réseau d’incubateurs public du 1er groupe d’écoles d’ingénieurs et de management de France à Vivatechnology 2019


L’IMT a sélectionné 42 pépites technologiques sur ses 11 sites territoriaux dédiés à l’accompagnement de l’entrepreneuriat, pour être présentées à Vivatechnology, du 16 au 18 mai prochain – stand C41.

Issues d’un parc de 170 start-up technologiques, ces start-up représenteront l’excellence de l’entrepreneuriat partout sur le territoire français. En effet, au sein de l’IMT, 11 sites d’incubation adossés à ses écoles, sélectionnent et accompagnent toute l’année, les projets et entreprises à fort potentiel technologique. Avec un taux de succès à 3 ans de 93%, 100 M€ de levées de fonds annuel et plus de 5 000 emplois créés dans les dernières années, le réseau des incubateurs de l’IMT a prouvé l’efficacité de sa méthodologie mutualisée et la puissance de son écosystème à la fois local et global.

Des start-up dans tous les secteurs impactés par le numérique

Healthcare, Smart mobility, Cybersécurité, Greentech, Smart Industry, Data&IA for marketing and services : les start-up de l’IMT se positionnent sur tous les secteurs impactés par le numérique. Créer le monde de demain au service de tous, dans l’optique #TechforGood poussée à la fois par la France et l’Europe, est leur mission, et l’IMT s’attache à apporter des réponses technologiques entrepreneuriales à tous les grands défis du XXI° siècle.

A Vivatech, les start-up* de l’IMT seront présentes à tour de rôle selon leur thématique :


  Matinée Après-Midi
Jeudi 16 mai Smart City Health
Vendredi 17 mai Cyber security Smart Industry
Samedi 18 mai Data&IA market driven Customer Services


* La liste des start-up est disponible en fin de message.


Les success stories de l’IMT présentes

Parmi elles, vous pourrez retrouver :

  • Watiz, classée dans « Les 100 start-up dans lesquelles investir » par le magazine Challenges, qui sera l’assistant shopping de demain, en permettant de trouver une référence d’après une photo
  • DeNoize, qui permet la réduction de 90% du bruit par un travail sur les surfaces vitrées
  • Anozrway, qui développe une IA permettant de gérer vos empreintes numériques et détecter vos vulnérabilités
  • Hiboo, elle aussi classée dans les 100 où investir de Challenges, plateforme de pilotage des actifs industriels grâce à des capteurs connectés
  • Darweem, une solution permettant de trouver le meilleur moment émotionnel de diffusion de contenu pour créer de l’engagement dans la communauté du e-Sport
  • Andyamo, un projet étudiant de smart city qui développe des parcours pour les personnes à mobilité réduite et qui participe au Next startuppeur challenge de Vivatechnology le samedi 18 mai de 14h à 16h.

Women in tech à l’IMT

L’IMT favorise aussi l’entrepreneuriat au féminin dans les STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Vous pourrez notamment rencontrer Alice Comble, CEO de GreenMinded qui recycle les petits déchets (les mégots notamment), ou Alizée Gottardo de Meyko, une solution de smart-médication pour les enfants.

L’IMT, un accélérateur de développement économique territorial, national et international.

L’IMT offre un environnement permettant la pollinisation et la fertilisation d’entreprises technologiques sur des territoires d’industrie par une offre de services modulaire qui repose sur 3 piliers :

  • des services d’accompagnement technologique appuyés sur les écoles, les laboratoires, les enseignants-chercheurs et les plateformes d’innovation qui sont l’excellence de la recherche en France
  • un accès aux compétences-clés pour le développement technologique et business : étudiants, chercheurs, usagers
  • l’accès au marché, par son réseau de 9500 entreprises partenaires, PME/ETI et grands comptes

Pour Patrick Duvaut, directeur de l’innovation de l’IMT, « le dispositif IMT dédié au soutien à l’entrepreneuriat est inédit avec son maillage territorial. Mais ce qui est aussi différenciant c’est notre mission de développement économique dans un contexte d’intérêt général. De ce fait nos indicateurs de réussite portent, non seulement sur le montant des levées de fonds, mais aussi sur les emplois créés et le développement du tissu industriel dans les régions. Enfin, autre élément différenciateur et pas des moindres, nous sommes capables d’amener nos meilleures pépites au CES de Las Vegas, ce qui leur assure une visibilité maximale et un accès à des marchés internationaux.»

De VivaTech au CES de Las Vegas

Car l’incubation à l’IMT, c’est également une triple accélération vers les Etats-Unis. Les start-up sélectionnées par l’IMT pour être présentes à Vivatech concourent de fait au Prix Innovation Bercy-IMT lancé en 2018. Le jury sélectionnera ainsi 20 start-up parmi les candidates et celles-ci pitcheront devant un jury d’experts au Ministère de l’Economie à l’automne 2019. Les 10 start-up lauréates exposeront ensuite avec l’IMT au CES de Las Vegas, du 7 au 10 janvier 2020 et à cette occasion, le Prix innovation Bercy-IMT sera décerné au(x) lauréat(s), ainsi que leur dotation de 50 000€,  lors de la soirée Convergence.



Les 42 start-up des écoles de l’IMT à Vivatech 2019

Start-up Présentation (en anglais) Présence sur le stand IMT


Stop indefinitely searching for a place to study and better prepare your visits thanks to our attendance prediction algorithm: anticipate queues and packed places.
We provide a 24/7 transparent information so that you can keep organized and stick to your plans.
How do we predict attendance and waiting time?
The Affluences technology computes several inputs (sensors, visiting history, users…) to generate an accurate measure of live occupation and waiting time.
Samedi PM


AiiNTENSE is developing a cognitive assistance solution, integrating an AI and tele-expertise platform, for intensive care units in hospitals and clinics in order to improve the medical, ethical and economic care of patients Jeudi PM


Andyamo helps cities become smart & inclusive destinations with travel itineraries designed for people with reduced mobility (disabled people, parents with children in strollers, elderly people). Jeudi AM


Manage your risks linked to your digital footprint. By piecing open web data together, our solution monitors your digital print, predicts its vulnerabilities against your company and people, and assess the risks. Let our AI manage your digital footprint ! Vendredi AM


Pure player media on innovaton Samedi AM
Car expresso


The assistant wich simplifies second-hand vehicle Jeudi AM
Clean Bill Clean Bill develops a new way of communication between the merchant and the end consumer by creating a patented box, recognized as a cash device as a printer, in charge of transmitting the receipts or invoices to the final consumer via a mobile application. Clean Bill also offers a web platform allowing:
1 – consumers to keep, consult, transmit or publish their proof of purchase,
2 – merchants to visualize statistics on their customers, progression of their customer file and advertising campaign at lower cost..
Vendredi AM



AI-powered solutions to help streamers, brands and advertising agencies to find the best emotional moments to better target and engage their eSports community and increase the effectiveness of their marketing and advertising campaigns. Samedi AM


DeNoize has developed an active noise cancellation technology in the form of an electronics kit to be integrated inside a window frame to offer up to 90% additional reduction against outdoor noise, leading to a higher comfort inside homes and offices. Jeudi PM


EasyBroadcast end-to-end video streaming solution brings your companie’s messages to employees in Live! Our service enables you to plan events and manage your content while our dashboard will help you measure your audiences and network performances. Samedi AM


Edgar is a smart concierge assistant designed to help hotels regain direct customer relation & improve their online reputation, while offering a simple yet unique customer experience to their guests Samedi AM


Come discover how Emblock platform help companies to create value quickly with blockchain technology. Vendredi AM


FieldBox.ai helps industries dramatically improve their operational efficiency thanks to artificial intelligence.
The FieldBox.ai platform makes it possible to deploy AI-trained industrial bots in the heart of factories.
These bots continuously and autonomously optimize processes and operate machines.
The result of several years of R & D, the FieldBox.ai solution is a cloud-to-edge IIoT platform that manages
the life cycle of these industrial bots: training, deployment, and autonomous operation. By relocating decision
making in factories, and automating it with AI, FieldBox.ai dramatically reduces the costs and time required
to fulfill the promises of Industry 4.0.
Vendredi PM


GreenMinded recycles cigarette butt in France in preference to continuing to send them to landfill or incinerate them. GreenMinded offers various types of ashtrays for individuals, businesses and local authorities along with a turnkey recycling service. Samedi PM


GreenTropism enables reactive decision-marking process with real time non destructive analyses of matter for Industry 4.0. We leverage  Artificial Intelligence and software components for spectrometers and imagers for raw and product quality control,… Vendredi PM


Hiboo is the data platform to pilot your field’s operations. We aggregate data from multiple sources providing you with strategic information to optimize your processes and unlock new business models. Vendredi PM
Hycco HYCCO develops break through composite components for High Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (HT-PEMFC). We aim at developping a proprietary fuel cell architecture that suits our components. HYCCO is not dedicated to fuel cell mass production but intervenes as a technology facilitator, by proposing:
• expertise on PEM-HT technology,
• integration service for our developped materials into existing systems,
• operating licences related to the developed innovative architecture
Vendredi AM


Himydata is a startup in the digital field that offers a new generation data integration platform. The company was founded in 2018 by David BESSOUDO (CEO) with the objective of simplifying the entire stack of large data in companies in order to facilitate access to this data. Samedi AM


IMOPE allows the creation, visualization and dissemination of buildings data for all territory and, target and support proactive actions to massify the energy renovation of residential building jeudi AM


JOGADOC develops innovative, playful and practical musical instruments. 100% made in France around eco-responsible and human valerus. Samedi PM


Smart-City’ offer
KERMAP develops tailor-made solutions to help metropolises update their planning documents and facilitate their actions for the benefit of the environment. For more than a year, the company has been marketing services for the analysis of urban vegetation and its benefits for the environment: the limitation of soil waterproofing, carbon storage and the management of heat islands. The partnership with world leaders in geographical platform publishers (ESRI and Dassault Systèmes) ensures that KERMAP integrates its services into the marketplace of these publishers and direct access to their customers. The ‘Smart-City’ offer is based on a unique economic model of service.
‘Smart-Agri’ offer
KERMAP develops cloud solutions to monitor agricultural activity and provide diagnostics on the status of current and future productions. The company is setting up a SaaS platform for visualization and analysis of all agricultural parcels in France. Indicators calculated on the basis of time series of satellite images allow multiple uses such as the regulatory control of good agricultural practices and the estimation of the quantity and the quality of the productions. The user benefits from weekly updates, measurement history and management recommendations.
The economic model is based on a subscription offer that varies according to the analysis surface and the desired metrics.
jeudi AM
LeanCo Software solution for Lean Construction deployment Vendredi PM
Les companions


Our collaborative robot allows to assist painters in hard and dull tasks, such as preparatory works, sanding, and taping-less cut-ins.

The new methodology we propose has 4 steps:
1) Surfaces observation and diagnostic, this is step is achieved by a human, this is the same step as for traditional painting
2) Scan of the work environment, thanks to a 3d camera, this leads to a 3d mock-up of the operations environment
3) Visual programming, the painter easily interacts with his finger on a touch screen, so as to indicate the surfaces to be operated
4) Operations achieved by the machine, meanwhile the painter achieves the finer works or preparatory steps

Vendredi PM


LiveStep designs a connected solution around mobility (fall, wandering) for nursing homes’ residents. Based on connected insoles that analyse walk activity and carpets that detect crosses , it alerts nursing staff on fall, walk degradation and wandering. Jeudi PM


The smart medication reminder for kids Jeudi PM


myLabel is the first digital platform that connects consumers with associations, brands & retailers, allows them to purchase products aligned with their values, fosters responsible consumption and enables new sustainable products to reach the market. Jeudi PM


TEP ambitions is to revolution mouth and tooth pathologies.
The whole population will benefit of a great prevention tool made of a specific camera associated to a dedicated app and a smartphone’s AI.
TEP is much more than existing online appointment solutions.
Now creating a link between online medicine, artificial intelligence and a dedicated communication system, TEP is tailor made for mouth and tooth care.TEP camera and its artificial intelligence are dedicated to the whole family. Everyone becomes actor of his own health condition.
TEP is universal. The professional version especially designed for nurses or health care centers leads to everyone’s possibility to be considered, even being isolated.
TEP efficiently fights against medical desertification while giving everyone an easy access to dental care.
Easy to use and ergonomic, the camera becomes a daily tool dedicated to prevention and communication with your dentist.
Jeudi PM
Packet AI


We are developing a preventive AIOps solution which uses cutting edge ML to predict issues within IT infrastructure (full stack) and provides quick remediation before customers are impacted. We are building a deep learning based software solution which allows IT teams to predict and resolve incidents before they impact customers. Our solution can be installed on premise (or in a virtual environment) and follows Vendredi AM


PrediSurge develops and provides decision support solutions for cardiovascular interventions. They use our patented technology to generate patient-specific predictive numerical simulations, based on geometry and physics of patient anatomy and medical device design. Our solutions are designed to secure and fasten preoperative planning of endovascular interventions, making them less risky and expensive. Jeudi PM


Maintners is a web platform which organize building maintainance to help both building managers and maintainance companies. Thanks to Maintners they save time, are more cost effective, environnementally-friendly and can easelly connect to each others. Vendredi PM


Spectral is a startup that develops a mixed reality based solution which allows industrial companies to store and share their know-how in order to improve their workforce’s skills. Vendredi PM


To go somewhere, you use a GPS and in an instant, you know the best itinerary, avoiding traffic jam and roadworks. We do the same for companies that develop software. We help teams to work better together with software tools implementing best practices. Samedi PM


Flexible OLEDs for lighting
automotive, military and medical
Vendredi PM


We develop the « home-based smart retirement home » for elderly people by combining human help and technical solution. Our technology detects falls and risky situations based on voice recognition, sound & movement analysis, and artificial intelligence. Jeudi PM


Unéole transforms the wind into energy in the heart of cities. For this, the company is divided into 2 activities, prospecting for urban wind farms, and a low-carbon  easy ton instal and silent wind turbine. We enhance an energetic transition in cities jeudi AM


Unikiwi designs furniture with organic and non standard shapes, customizable according to their functions (seats, storage, shelters, etc.). This high-end furniture is totally unique, modeled with generative design, and creates the interface between architectural projects and works of art! Samedi PM


WaryMe improves users security in public places, schools, transports, companies and tomorrow the whole smart city. To address the major risks we provide the first all in one mobile application, integrating alerting, crisis management and mass notification jeudi AM


Watiz develops an app, a shopping assistant,  which lets users snap any pieces of clothing and instantly find the same items within millions of references. With Watiz, shoot the look you want to shop! Samedi AM


WaToo fights against sensitive data and documents leaks by insiders or trusted actors (partners, subcontractors). Our solutions are based on three main principles: Dissuasion, identification and accountability of malevolent behaviors Vendredi AM


Have you ever feel this breath when a vehicle pass next to you during a walk or bike ride? Likewise, when you are in the traffic jam and cars in the opposite direction of traffic make your car moving. Nowaday, this wind potential is not exploited. What if we reduce the  carbon footprint of our vehicles by producing green energy through them?
This is the challenge launched by Wind Maker
Wind Maker want to recover the energy generated by vehicle passages, as well as the natural wind, thank to small vertical axis wind turbines, in order to give autonomy to facilities and equipments installed next to transportation ways. Wind Maker technology is a module composed of vertical axis wind turbines, a wind optimization device and photovoltaics panels. The number of modules is adapted to consumption of the client and according to the location.
Vendredi AM


Yelda is a SaaS enterprise-ready voice platform. We voice enable your brand on Google Assistant, Google Home & Alexa in a minute, thanks to our pre-trained modules like Voice Commerce, Customer Service, Hiring or Lead Generation. Samedi AM


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