Follow the live broadcast of the 2022 IMT – Académie des Sciences award ceremony on November 24!


The 2022 edition of the IMT – Académie des Sciences award ceremony will be held on November 24, 2022 at 6.30pm at the Institut de France.

Odile Gauthier, Executive Director of Institut Mines-Télécom and Patrick Flandrin, President of the French Académie des Sciences are delighted to invite you to follow the live broadcast from the Institut de France of the 2022 IMT – Académie des Sciences 2022 awards, organized in honor of the winners.

Congratulations to Jean-Louis de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye, professor and head of the IMT Atlantique optics department and winner of the Grand Prix awarded by the Académie des Sciences, and Silvère Bonnabel, professor at the University of New Caledonia and research fellow at Mines Paris, winner of the Young Scientist award.