graduate schools in France

of engineering and management

The number-one group

Courses in engineering and management

From Bachelor’s to PhD

13,360 students

and educational transformations

at the heart of digital, energy, industrial

Putting research and innovation

IMT, French leading institute of technology


Join a IMT school

Masters of science

8 graduate schools

and 2 subsidiary schools, 1 network of partner schools

13,360 students

comparable to the great American universities.

4,200 degrees awarded

each year

74 entreprises created

in 2021. 93% reach the 3-year mark.

64 millions

contractual resources resulting from research in 2021

1,837 articles

in peer-reviewed international journals in 2021


The latest news from the number one group of engineering and management graduate schools in France.


Observations, trends and news published by Professor-Researchers and students at IMT.