Scientific culture and publishing

Promoting the scientific results and the latest news from the research projects at IMT Technological Universities. IMT aims to disseminate scientific and technical culture and to extend its scientific publishing activity.


The latest scientific and technological news from IMT

    • Channel coding is the focus of Elsa Dupraz's research, a key process for improving information transmission in telecommunications. While the technique’s effectiveness in this field is well known, the researcher is also exploring novel applications, such as data compression and DNA storage. Her research, at the intersection between several disciplines, has […]
    • Neural networks are AI models designed by machine learning. They are inspired by the workings of the human brain and allow machines to carry out different tasks autonomously. Using large quantities of data as examples, they can be trained in image recognition or text analysis. Beyond their predictive performance, a number […]
    • How can technology and social media in particular help and support parents of children with cancer? This is the subject of a project led by Institut Mines-Télécom Business School and funded by the French National Cancer Institute. Anne-Laure Delaunay, a researcher in digital transformation and emerging technologies for management, initiated the […]

IMT symposiums

An opportunity to review the work being done in IMT’s research themes

IMT symposiums on specific topics allow research professors to meet, discuss and plan future collaborations.

They are also regular opportunities to spotlight the work carried out in our schools’ research themes.

Members of IMT’s Scientific Advisory Board also take part in these events to develop recommendations for strategic directions for research at IMT Technological Universities.