Creation of technologies, new uses and innovative organizations: IMT helps you transition from idea to product in 5 steps

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From idea to product in 5 steps

IMT supports companies at every step of the innovation cycle, for projects of all levels of maturity.

Whether they are in the earliest stages of preliminary research or carrying out R&D applied to specific problems, IMT can help its partners create competitive advantages for tomorrow by providing support that ensures quality, flexibility and security.

#1 Fundamental research

IMT helps companies carry out theoretical or experimental studies for the purpose of acquiring new scientific and technical knowledge.

During this step, IMT researchers work on gaining a basic understanding of the phenomena related to an important problem for the future of the partner company.

#2 Industrial research

IMT helps companies carry out research aimed at acquiring new knowledge in order to develop new products, processes or services or to improve those that exist already.

During this phase, IMT researchers develop the scientific and technical foundations upon which the partner company can make a major technological leap, putting them a step ahead of the competition.

#3 Experimental development

IMT helps companies acquire, combine and structure existing scientific and technical knowledge and expertise in order to develop a prototype for a future product, service or process.

During this phase, IMT researchers strive to validate the technical implementation of the partner company’s vision in laboratory conditions.

4# Development in production conditions

IMT helps companies modify and adapt research and development results obtained in the laboratory to correspond to their production conditions.

During this phase, IMT researchers will face the real conditions of the partner company’s production environment, in order to develop and test a prototype in conditions similar to those found in the field.

5# Implementation

IMT helps companies integrate their products, services, processes or proven technologies resulting from existing research and development.

In this case, IMT researchers implement these technologies within the company’s production processes based on three main objectives: accordance with the company’s specific situation, robustness and a level of performance defined in advance.