TeraLab Data Science Portal
TeraLab is a platform aimed at accelerating research, innovation and education in AI and Big Data. It is run by IMT and was created through the Investissement d’Avenir (Future Investments) program.
TeraLab provides human and technological resources, access to an ecosystem and a secure, sovereign and neutral infrastructure, giving industrial players access to high-value data to help them overcome the scientific and technological obstacles in their use cases.
- The platform is pre-competitive,meaning that our aim is to allow data providers to assess the value of a service or product at the end of a three-month project, in order to determine the investments required for maturation or to begin production.
- The platform gives researchers and innovators the opportunity to work on real data and test their research or technological solutions with concrete data and use cases.
- The main topics and use cases are:industry of the future, healthcare, logistics, agriculture, energy, e-government as well as cybersecurity, which is a crucial aspect for one or more players to consider solving use cases. TeraLab is recognized at the national and European levels.
German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future
As part of the partnership between the French Alliance for Industry of the Future and the German platform Industrie 4.0, IMT and Technische Universität München (TUM) created the German-French Academy for Industry of the Future on 27 October 2015.
This academy includes the creation of new content for training in digital transformation, summer schools, and a large number of joint research projects.
These projects focus on highly technical topics such as hybrid blockchain architecture for the industry of the future, as well as on the human and organizational aspects of digitization.
IMT, a key player in major European research and innovation programs
As a world-class technological institute, IMT naturally takes part in major European programs such as Horizon 2020, the European Union research and innovation program.
The program aims to strengthen the European Union’s scientific and technological bases.