IMT Chairs
- IMT Atlantique chairs
- IMT Lille Douai chairs
- IMT Mines Albi chairs
- IMT Mines Alès chairs
- Institut Mines-Télécom Business School chairs
- Mines Nancy chair
- Mines ParisTech chairs
- Mines Saint-Etienne chairs
- Télécom Paris chairs
- Télécom SudParis chairs
Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair
The VPIP chair brings together researchers in law, philosophy and social sciences (Institut Mines-Télécom Business School), economic sciences (Télécom Paris) and computer sciences (Télécom SudParis).
The chair aims to help businesses, citizens and public authorities consider how they use personal information, meaning information relating to individuals (their private lives, professional activities, digital identities, contributions on social media etc.), including that collected by the communicating objects around them.
Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Chair
Institut Mines-Télécom’s Cyber CNI Chair specializes in research and training in the field of cybersecurity for critical infrastructures (energy networks, industrial processes, water treatment plants, financial systems etc.)
A recent scientific discipline devoted to a topic that has rapidly become crucial to a large number of businesses and organizations.