Fondation Télécom has become Fondation Mines-Télécom
IMT, which was extended when the Mines schools joined the Institute and further consolidated on January 1st, 2017, is supported in its remit by Fondation Telecom, which has also undergone a statutory change to become Fondation Mines-Télécom, by decree of February 28th, 2017.
The Foundation thereby broadened its scope of action to include support for all the management and engineering graduate schools within IMT (IMT Atlantique,[1] IMT Lille Douai,[2] Mines Albi-Carmaux, Mines Alès, Mines Saint Etienne, Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis and Télécom Ecole de Management), and has become a powerful lever for the Institute in its cross-cutting projects focused on the transitions of the 21st century: technological, energy, industrial and educational.
Building a powerful network around the IMT
On the strength of its network of around sixty partner businesses and 700 individual donors in 2016, and with strong roots at the heart of the IMT ecosystem, Fondation Mines-Télécom has the ambition to build a powerful collective around the Institute in order to assist it in its new 2018-2022 strategic plan, through concrete transformative projects to further its missions in Training, Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Financing IMT’s major projects
Fondation Mines-Télécom will support IMT’s major collaborative projects that are of benefit to all its schools, such as the MOOC program, the “Prêts d’honneur” program available to the school’s incubators, or the open-innovation project baptized First, as well as the Institute’s new cross-cutting programs, most notably related to the industry of the future. The Foundation will also support more targeted patronage schemes for each school: chairs or support for campus development, such as the new campaign for naming spaces on the new campus of Télécom Paris in Saclay, recently launched by the graduate school.
Fondation Mines-Télécom will be setting up its new Supervisory Board in June. It will integrate new administrators from the Mines “galaxy” who will steer the roll-out of the newly expanded Foundation’s action plan, as part of its Ambition 2020 campaign.
“The creation of Fondation Mines-Télécom represents a seamless transition within a genuine, self-sustaining dynamic. After the merger of the Mines and Télécom entities, then the consolidation of Institut Mines-Télécom-IMT which now encompasses 8 schools, it was obvious that the creation of an IMT collective needed the support of a foundation with a broader scope of action, including patronage for the benefit of this new collective. While public funding covers the cost of premises, wages and overheads, the development of patronage will offer IMT substantial additional resources to achieve its goals of excellence in training, research and innovation, and to carve out a place for itself among the leading global higher education institutions. Additionally, IMT will be able to develop long-lasting partnerships to bolster its ties with economic stakeholders and its alumni. This is the perspective that our Ambition 2020 embodies.
Guy Roussel, President of Fondation Mines-Télécom