Two international delegations visit IMT in November
8 November: We welcomed a delegation of Innovation/Incubator Directors and International Directors of institutions in South America.
On the 8th November, the Directors of Education and International Affairs at IMT welcomed a delegation for a group presentation. The delegation was led by Graciela Padoani, Director of International Affairs at Télécom Management School, who invited partners from ITAM (Mexico), ORT (Uruguay), the University of Rosario (Colombia), USAL (Argentina), and USIL (Peru).
The new International Director of the TEM off-shore campus at Virginia Tech was also present. It provided an opportunity for academic collaboration on the theme of “frugal innovation”, which was the theme of a work week organized by TEM as part of the “France-Colombia year of exchanges”. Virginia Tech appeared to be interested by the “Double Degree Development” project in IMT’s new strategy. A visit is expected in 2018.
10 November: We welcomed a delegation from the ITC (Institute of Technology of Cambodia).
The ITC is a partner of several IMT schools and of ENSIIE. Their Research and Innovation Director is Didier Lecomte, a Professor at Mines Albi, who has been working in Phnom Penh for the last 3 years.
The delegation was made up of Seingheng HUL, Director of the ITC Research and Innovation Center and Tepmony SIM, Director of Postgraduate Studies. Tepmony SIM completed his thesis at IMT under the supervision of François ROUEFF (TPT) and Randal DOUC (TSP). The latter accompanied the delegation.
The purpose of their visit, from the Cambodian perspective, was to get to know IMT better as a whole and understand its organization, as well as to discuss our potential support in the opening of a Telecom Department at the ITC (teaching/research). There could also be a visit to the ITC in the second fortnight of March.