Publication of the decree on the new status of IMT


Four years after the first law creating Institut Mines-Télécom, a new decree has expanded IMT’s scope, allowing for a better expression of its identity and the common strategy of its graduate schools under the administrative supervision of the Ministries of the Economy and Finance. Five Mines schools and one subsidiary Télécom school have become internalized as schools of EPSCP Mines-Télécom, and two Mines-Télécom schools have been created through mergers. The schools’ autonomy is strengthened through their connection to this major institution in order to boost their operational agility and affirm their affiliation to IMT by actively contributing to the site’s academic dynamics.

A legislative framework providing a fresh impetus

The new decree has provided a platform for the Institut and its schools to develop further, including the creation of two new schools following internal mergers.

In a higher education and research environment which is seeing increased competition and significant changes, the organization established by the decree provides a robust framework for the schools to showcase their identity, pursue their objectives, be ever more innovative and attractive, and seize new opportunities as part of an overall strategy which is in the process of being defined.

According to Philippe Jamet, CEO of IMT, “Brought together around a new common brand that epitomizes innovation and academic excellence to foster business competitiveness, IMT schools will play a decisive role in the development of skills and expertise for society and the economy of the future.”

At the crossroads between industry, ecology, energy and digital technology

Historically focused on the themes of digital and industrial technology, materials, the environment and energy, Mines and Télécom schools dovetail their skills to respond to the major socioeconomic transitions of the 21st century, namely digital technology, ecology, and energy. The establishment of 2 new schools by decree, IMT Atlantique and IMT Lille-Douai, deriving from a merger between Mines Nantes and Télécom Bretagne, and Mines Douai and Télécom Lille respectively, embody this original and visionary positioning.

This is the country’s leading national institute of science and technology in terms of training and research in partnership, as well as support for economic development, entrepreneurship, and innovation.

With 13,700 students including 9,100 engineers, 1,100 management students and 1,650 PhD students, IMT alone is the host institution for 7% of French engineering graduates and 15% of French engineers that have been trained through an apprenticeship scheme. The national leader in research in partnership thanks to close ties between its schools and businesses, it is home to two of France’s most important academic Carnot Institutes (M.I.N.E.S and Télécom &Société numérique).

For over 20 years, IMT and its graduate schools have been pioneers in supporting business start-ups via operational incubators and is at the origin of hundreds of new companies each year.