First IMT MOOC on edX
The first IMT MOOC on the edX platform opened on Thursday 12 January. Entitled ‘Digital Networks Essentials’, this MOOC is the English version of ‘Principes des réseaux de données’ (presented 5 times on FUN).
This course explains the workings of digital networks such as the internet and telephone networks that enable communication and access to information.
The course explains the vocabulary, concepts and mechanisms which are common to all computer networks. The MOOC describes the TCP, UDP and IP internet protocols.
It outlines how a global network is organized and how its components work together, as well as the importance of standards and protocols.
This MOOC, supported by IMT Atlantique, Télécom Paristech and Télécom SudParis, will be offered from 12 January to 15 March 2017 on the edX platform.