MACMIA project : winner of the call for expressions of interest for skills and professions of the future – AI
MACMIA, supported by Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT), aims to diversify and increase the range of AI and Data Science courses offered at IMT engineering and management schools, ESIGELEC, the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT), as well as at several Campuses of Professions and Qualifications of Excellence (CMQE).
The project aims to organize training programs for technicians, engineers and managers with dual skills in the field of AI & Industry of the Future, with a set of training courses ranging from three-year to eight-year degrees.
It also wants to ensure that humans remain the center of the digital transformation and automation of our activities through a transdisciplinary approach to training cognitive engineers.
This project covers eight regions in France and relies on academic and economic networks to ensure a significant national impact. It will be deployed in cooperation with academic stakeholders and economic partners
The project aims to promote the sovereignty of the French data and AI sector starting with the training phase.
Academic partners : Institut Mines-Télécom, chef-de-file écoles impliquées : IMT Mines Alès, IMT Atlantique, IMT Nord Europe, Mines Saint-Étienne, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, ESIGELEC, Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT), Campus des Métiers et Qualification d’Excellence Industrie du Futur, Campus des Métiers et Qualification Design et Industrie du Futur, Campus des Métiers et Qualification d’Excellence Aéronautique – Pays-de-la-Loire.
Business partners : pôle de compétitivité Cap Digital, pôle de compétitivité CIMES, Cité de l’IA / MEDEF Lille Métropole.
Large companies : Festo, Valeo, Assystem, Cisco Systems, Capgemini engineering, Carrefour.
Competence Operator : OPCO Atlas