Institut Mines-Télécom received at the French Embassy in Germany
On October 27, the French Ambassador to Germany, Mr. Delattre, received the Institut Mines-Télécom and its Managing Director, Odile Gauthier. This was an opportunity to exchange views with the ambassador and the Chancellery’s science and technology department on Franco-German scientific and technological cooperation, and the challenges facing our two countries in terms of research and innovation in artificial intelligence, the industry of the future, and the training of talent to meet these challenges.
Odile Gauthier, Managing Director of Institut Mines-Télécom and François Delattre, French Ambassador to Germany
The IMT was able to present its concrete actions in support of the development of scientific cooperation and friendly relations between our two countries, such as the Franco-German Academy for the Industry of the Future (Technical University of Munich), the EULiST European University (Leibniz Universität Hannover) and the Gaia-X Association for Data and Cloud (AISBL) project.
In line with its strategy and mission, Institut Mines-Télécom continues to play a leading role in the development of French and European technological and digital sovereignty.