Contribuez à l'ambition numérique de la France

National debate: the future of our society in a digital age

‘Everyone can take part in building the digital society in which they wish to live.’ On Saturday 4 October, we initiated a national digital debate, calling on the French people to give their opinions about four subjects linked to the social…

Conference on natural resources and the environment – sign up now!

On 5 and 6 November 2014, Institut-Mines-Télécom is organizing its 4th conference. The topic for this event will be: ‘Natural resources and the environment’. This conference will be the opportunity to present the Research & Innovation…
Chaire Valeurs et politiques des informations personnelles

The Personal Data Values and Policy Chair of IMT welcomes Orange as one of its partners.

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Since April 2013, this Chair has gathered together a multidisciplinary team of researchers from IMT (Télécom Paris, Télécom SudParis and Télécom Ecole de Management) working simultaneously on legal issues such as regulation and compliance,…

8 & 9 October: IMT meets SMEs at the Rendez-Vous Carnot 2014

At this gathering to be held in Lyon on 8 and 9 October, IMT will be answering questions from SMEs seeking to develop R&D projects and in search of innovation, thanks to the presence of its two Carnot Institutes: the M.I.N.E.S. Carnot Institute…
Futuring Cities

The sustainable energy day of Futuring Cities

IMT and its partners invite you to The SUSTAINABLE ENERGY day of Futuring Cities Tuesday October 7th - from 9 am to 5 pm 46 rue Barrault, 75013 Paris Sustainable energy will be the focus of the second scientific day of the “Futuring Cities”…
Affiche Nuit européenne des chercheurs

9th European Researchers’ Night

The general public is invited to meet researchers and discover the role of Experience in their research. The researchers' night is organized in many European locations. Initiated by the European Commission, this event is being held in a variety…
Signature d'un partenariat avec la Seoul National University

Partnership with the Seoul National University

IMT and the College of Engineering of the Seoul National University in Korea signed a framework agreement on Friday August 29th 2014, as well as an exchange agreement that in its first phase will lead to the development of non-degree exchange…
Logo Campus Responsable

Schools of the Institut which are members of the Campus Reponsables initiative

Launched in 2006, Campus Responsables is the first French network of Grandes Ecoles and French universities committed to sustainable development. This initiative aims at encouraging the Grandes Ecoles and French universities to include sustainable…
Optical fibres around earth

MOOC: plunge into fixed and mobile networks!

A founding partner of France Université Numérique (FUN), IMT is re-launching two successful MOOCs for the start of the academic year: “Principles of data networks” and “An introduction to mobile networks”. “Principles of data…
Rachel Fracz-Vitani secrétaire générale de l'IMT

Rachel Fracz-Vitani is the new Secretary General of IMT

Rachel Fracz-Vitani has been appointed Secretary General of IMT by order of the Ministry of the Economy, Productive Improvement and Digital Technology. She took up the position on 1st August 2014.