Bourses aux technologies

Master of engineering – International Admission Tour in India and China

IMT organizes an International Admission Tour in India (September 15-19) and in China (October 20-24 in Shanghai,Beijing, Nanjing, Harbin). Qualified students wishing to apply to the Master of Engineering program will take a two-step entrance…
Pascal Ray, directeur de Mines Saint-Etienne

Pascal Ray, the new director of Mines Saint-Etienne from 15th July

On 4th July 2014 Pascal Ray was appointed director of the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines, Saint-Étienne, by decree of the President of the French Republic. He was previously director of the IFMA (2007-2014), the French Institute for…
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IMT's Twitter account now has more than 5000 subscribers. If you haven't already signed on, click here! Get all the latest live tweets on our events, keep up with our schools and all our news.
Photo de Laurent Toutain et d'Alexander Pelov, Télécom Bretagne

From expertise in telecommunications networks to the performance of electricity grids – Laurent Toutain and Alexander Pelov, Télécom Bretagne

From networks to everyday objects, the internet has radically changed our environment. From the main arteries to the smallest vessels, it is embedded in such a large number of the most banal objects that it puts a strain on the energy bill.…
Photo de Philippe Jamet

Philippe Jamet, new Director General of IMT from 15 July 2014

  Appointed by decree of 23 June 2014 by the President of the Republic, Philippe Jamet, current Director of Mines Saint-Etienne, becomes Director General of IMT for a renewable period of four years. He will take office officially on…
Bourses aux technologies

More than 12,000 enrolments for the “Introduction to Mobile Networks” Mooc!

An extremely positive result for the "Introduction to Mobile Networks" Mooc, which finished last May 19. More than 12,000 subscribers logged in on the France Université Numérique (FUN) platform on February 18, the opening day. A winning bet…

NETVA 2014

NETVA is a program offering support and a preparation to young innovative French companies so that they can tackle the U.S. market. A partner of the 2014 edition of NETVA, IMT took part in the first stage of selection of winners in the prestigious…

Find out about common rocks and minerals in the next MOOC given by IMT

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How can you tell the difference between the most common rocks and minerals and also find out what they are used for and their environmental impact? This is the educational objective of the new MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) “Common rocks…
Bourses aux technologies

Fondation Mines-Télécom 2014 prize: 4 graduates rewarded for their internship, 3 prizes for theses and 3 start-up business winners of IMT interest-free loans

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On 9 April, the Fondation Mines-Télécom organized the 2014 prize-giving ceremony which each year rewards the best end-of-study internships for students of the Télécom Schools and IMT. Prizes were also awarded for theses from the Futur &…
Bourses aux technologies

IMT to hold 2 Technology Days in Grenoble and Nancy

Bourses aux technologies, or Technology Days organized by IMT, are opportunities for meetings and discussion between researchers and SMEs. The objective of the scheme is to give SMEs easier access to academic research results in order to be…