Fondation Mines-Télécom 2014 prize: 4 graduates rewarded for their internship, 3 prizes for theses and 3 start-up business winners of IMT interest-free loans

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On 9 April, the Fondation Mines-Télécom organized the 2014 prize-giving ceremony which each year rewards the best end-of-study internships for students of the Télécom Schools and IMT. Prizes were also awarded for theses from the Futur & Ruptures program of the Institut. The ceremony is also an opportunity to turn the spotlight on start-up businesses incubated in the schools of the Institute and the winners of interest-free loans. This event is an occasion to present the major programs of the Fondation Mines-Télécom in Training, Research, Innovation and Foresight. For this 2014 edition, the ceremony was hosted by BNP Paribas, a founding partner of the Fondation.


Prizes for the best internships

Guy Roussel, Alice Bérard, John Noisillier, Olivier Vandenbilcke, Blanca Gonzalez-Font and Iryna Nikolayeva

Following a first selection phase based on the quality of the internship, the judges chose the winners on the day of the ceremony, basing their choices on the videos produced by the students from which their quality of oral expression was assessed. The Prizes were awarded by Olivier Vandenbilcke, Project director for BNP Paribas Retail Banking, member of the panel awarding the prizes for the best internships:




  • 1st Prize (€4,000): Blanca Gonzalez-Font, a graduate of Télécom Paris for her internship at Astrium Space Transportation: “Method of navigation for the uncooperative remote meeting based on vision techniques”;
  • Joint 2nd Prize (€ 2,500):
  • Alice Bérard, a graduate of Télécom Paris for her internship at EDF R&D: “Analysis of     mass data in a distributed environment”;
  • Irina Nikolayeva, a graduate of Télécom SudParis for her internship at the Institut Pasteur: “Searching for regulatory genetic sub-networks for dengue fever”;
  • 3rd Prize (€ 1,000): John Noisillier, a graduate of Télécom Saint-Etienne for his internship at Vinci Energies: “Roll-out of the GSM-R network”.

See a presentation of the best internships [PDF file in french]

President of Fondation Mines-Télécom Guy Roussel said: “Once again this year, interns from our Télécom schools have distinguished themselves by the quality of their service to recognized companies and institutions which have been able to support these young talented individuals by offering assignments which are essential to their activities”.

Prizes for theses from the Futur & Ruptures program

Another highlight of the ceremony was the award of prizes for theses from the Futur & Ruptures program of IMT, supported by the Fondation Mines-Télécom. This program aims to finance upstream research activities on themes said to be “disruptive” in the digital field.

Julien Trolet, Olivier Morillot, Anaïs Vergne, Amin Ben Salem, Xuran Zhao with David Sadek, Research Director from IMT

  • 1st Prize (€ 5,000): Anaïs Vergne from Télécom Paris Tech “Algebraic topology applied to sensor networks”;
  • 2nd Prize (€ 3,000): Olivier Morillot from Télécom Paris “Recognition of handwritten texts by hidden Markov templates and recurrent neuron networks: application to the Latin and Arabic alphabets”;
  • 3rd Ex-Aequo Prize (€ 1,500): Amine Ben Salem from Sup Com’ Tunis “Characterization of Photonic Nanowires for Pulse Compression and Sensing Applications” and Xuran Zhao from Eurecom “Multi-view Dimensionality Reduction for Multi-Modal Biometrics”.

Each winner received their prize from Julien Trolet, information architect for BNP Paribas and member of the panel of judges for the Prize for theses.

Focus on 3 start-up businesses from incubators in the Télécom de l’Institut schools

Three start-up businesses from the incubators of IMT graduate schools, which received interest-free loans in 2013, co-financed by IMT, the Fondation Mines-Télécom and the CDC, also presented their activities: Cityzen Data, Focusmatic and Manomaya.

Find below or on-line the presentation of the three start-up businesses [PDF file in french]

Philippe Letellier, Director of Innovation at IMT, welcomes the continued support of the Fondation Mines-Télécom for innovative start-up businesses: “Our scheme of interest-free loans is an essential tool in our Innovation strategy, specifically provided for the start-up businesses in the incubators of Telecom schools. These young businesses which are the creators of value for tomorrow thus find a means of support when they start, something which is essential to their growth”.

Download the press release [PDF file in french]