
GAIX_data federation

GAIA-X takes a major step towards a sovereign European digital infrastructure

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The teacher-researchers at Institut Mines-Télécom will share their expertise in AI, Big Data and cyber security. The GAIA-X initiative is another step towards a reliable and sovereign digital infrastructure for Europe.
Barometre des métiers du numérique

10th Business Tendency Barometer for the Telecommunications Forum: Big Data and Cybersecurity Continue to Generate More Jobs

Big data, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence… Employment prospects remain positive for graduates in digital technology and telecoms engineering. Here are the major trends revealed by the 10th IMT Barometer, created for the Telecommunications…

e.l.m leblanc and IMT sign a framework agreement on the industry of the future

Both partners are strongly involved in issues related to the industry of the future, and have decided to pool their efforts and formalize their collaboration. A lasting partnership based on three components: research, R&D and foresight. 1.  …
Bourses aux technologies

Technology Days: Big data and industrial optimization

On 15 November, an IMT Technology Day dedicated to businesses seeking technology transfers will take place on Mines Nancy’s Artem campus. It provides an opportunity for SMEs and researchers to discuss the theme of ‘Big Data for industrial…
Bourses aux technologies

IMT is offering SMEs and midcaps the opportunity to discover a national selection of 20 technologies and platforms to overcome the technological challenges of their projects in the connected devices and Big Data sector

The forthcoming Bourse aux Technologies by IMT, Carnot approved for the quality of its research in partnership, will take place on April 7th at Télécom Bretagne (Rennes) on the theme of connected devices and Big Data. This new edition of…
Signature IMT et Technion

IMT and Technion sign a framework agreement for international cooperation in the area of training and research

On Monday 15th December 2014, Professor Peretz Lavie, President of Technion (Israel), and Philippe Jamet, Director General of IMT (France) signed an agreement to formalize their ambition to collaborate in training and research in fields such…

MOOC: IMT starts a new MOOC on Big Data and re-launches three highly popular MOOCs

The new course titled “Fundamentals for Big Data” meets the latest demands of the employment market in the area of digital technology, and is part of IMT’s efforts to provide innovative online information. The MOOC, which will start…