Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Physics (W/M)

Localisation: Télécom SudParis,
19 Place Marguerite Perey, Palaiseau 91120, FRANCE
(near Paris)

Entity/Service: Télécom SudParis / Electronics and Physics Department (EPH)

Position of supervisor: Head of EPH department

Contract type One-year fixed-term contract (renewable)

Candidature deadline: April 17th, 2020

Contact persons:

Pour candidater :

  • Motivation Letter
  • Detailed CV
  • Summary of PhD thesis
  • PhD viva voce report
  • Copy of PhD degree
  • Full addresses and positions of two referees
  • To send to: ou Telecom SudParis, DRH, 9 Rue Charles Fourier, 91000 Evry

Missions & activités

Télécom SudParis recruits a post-doctoral fellow whose activities will focus on unconventional optical imaging techniques, digital reconstruction and the exploitation of heterogeneous multimodal data.

The candidate will carry out his/her research in the context of the PLENIMAGE platform dedicated to optical microscopy and optical coherence tomography.

He/She will contribute to the development of novel approaches to imaging, signal exploitation and data mining (e.g. automated digital marking of samples) for medical diagnostics applications.

He/She will be involved in collaborative research projects (ANR, European …) and will participate in the supervision of students and PhD students.

The work will be carried out within the Optics and Photonics Group of the department, whose activities are also related to the fields of information transport, sensors and data processing.