Associate Professor in Computer Science (Parrallel and Distributed Systems) (W/M)

Localisation: Télécom SudParis, 9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011 Evry Cedex, FRANCE (near Paris)

Entity/Service: Télécom SudParis / INF (Computer Science) Department

Position of supervisor: Director of INF Department

Contract type Permanent contract


Candidature deadline: April 6th, 2020

Contact persons:

Mr Djamel BELAID               

To apply:

  • Motivation Letter
  • Detailed CV
  • Work notice about our past and future activities in teaching and research (the 2 types of activity must be described with the same care for rigor and precision)
  • List of the main publications
  • Full addresses and positions of two referees
  • To send to: OU Telecom SudParis, DRH, 9 Rue Charles Fourier, 91000 Evry


  • Applicants participate in the design and implementation of courses in computer science at Télécom SudParis in the frame of various programs of the school, life-long training at Institut Mines-Télécom and also joint programs with Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
  • They should conduct research in the field of computer science.
  • They should participate in the development of partnerships, collaborations, and contractual agreements in their scientific field.
  • They contribute to the dissemination of the research and to the visibility of Télécom SudParis, of Institut Mines-Télécom and of Institut Polytechnique de Paris.