Consortium agreement signed between IMT and 10 prestigious Indonesian universities
During the 7th Meeting of the Franco-Indonesian Cooperation for higher education and research held in Medan (Indonesia) on 9th and 10th March, IMT signed an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with 10 prestigious Indonesian universities (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji, Universitas Hasanuddin, Universitas Tanjungpura, Universitas Udayana, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Universitas Sriwijaya). It is the Institute’s first agreement with Indonesia, a country targeted by IMT graduate schools’ recruitment strategy concerning foreign students. This agreement, prepared on behalf of the Institute by Mines Nantes, concerns training and research.
Indonesia: a target country in IMT’s strategy for the recruitment of foreign students
34% of students in IMT schools are foreign; the Institute has chosen 9 target countries, including Indonesia, in which to develop part of its international action. One of the aims in this respect is diversification of the origins of overseas students, especially in the IMT’s “Grandes Ecoles” programs. Eventually, several dozen Indonesian students every year should join the ranks of the Mines and Télécom schools in the framework of exchanges or dual degrees.
For Dr. Annya Requile, who negotiated the agreement on behalf of the Institute and is in charge of international relations at Mines Nantes:
“This consortium of 13 IMT graduate schools and 10 Indonesian universities, named the FICEM for ‘French Indonesian Consortium in Engineering and Management’, is the first consortium of its kind to be signed between France and Indonesia. The consortium is an interesting start to the establishment of concrete agreements between the institutions, such as setting up the dual degree track, the joint organization of scientific workshops, creation of theses under joint supervision, and pooled research projects.”
Concrete actions right from signature
As early as the day after the signing of the agreement, concrete actions were carried out within the framework of the FICEM, with a scientific workshop titled “Environmentally friendly technologies for reducing and controlling GHG emissions from human activities” (EftechGHG), jointly organized by Mines-Nantes and the French Institute in Indonesia and partly financed by the French Embassy in Indonesia: 11 projects were presented by 12 researchers from 3 of the Institute’s engineering schools (Mines Nantes, Mines Alès and Mines Douai), 4 Indonesian universities (Universitas Indonesia, Universitas GadjahMada, Universitas Tanjangpura, Universitas Binus) and the Indonesian Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT).
In addition, recruitment of Indonesian students for the Institute’s international MSc courses has been stepped up; students doing placements are being hosted in both countries and dual Master’s degrees are being developed, such as the one between Institut Teknologi Bandung and Mines-Nantes in the field of Supply Chain Management.
Moreover, a European project in the framework of Erasmus+ between France and Indonesia was submitted during the last European call for proposals.
Franco-Indonesian Workshop
Environmentally friendly technologies for reducing and controlling GHG emissions from human activities