Bourse aux Technos (Technology Day) Publishing and Multimedia
Bourse aux Technos (Technology Day): IMT invites SMEs and midcaps to discover a selection of 18 technologies from across France in the fields of Publishing and Multimedia, on 17th September 2015 in Paris
IMT, which has two Carnot accreditations for the quality of its partnership research, is organizing another event for enterprises: the next Bourse aux Technologies (Technology Day) will take place on 17th September at Télécom Paris and will be on the subject of Publishing & Multimedia. Businesses and innovators will discover a selection of technologies from all over France, ready to be transferred, and produced in the laboratories of IMT schools and its partners. It is a unique opportunity for SMEs and midcaps to access the best of French research.
Program for the day
9:30am – Arrival of participants
10:00am – Welcome from Télécom Paris / IMT
10:15am – Round table: Which data for which uses?
With testimonials from:
· Irène Bastard, PHD student in Sociology, Télécom Paris
· Bernard Fontaine, Innovation Director, France Télévision Group
· Olivier Delteil, Business Development & Innovation, Les Echos
· Stéphane Cambon, CEO, Ownpage
· Philippe Roy, Deputy Delegate, Cap Digital
11:25am – Presentation of 18 innovative technologies from public research laboratories
12:30am – Presentation of the prize for the technology offering the best potential for economic development by Marie-Christine Lemardeley, Higher Education and Research Deputy, Paris City Hall.
1pm – Networking & cocktails
2pm – End of the Bourse and opening of the Big Media event, until 8pm.
Organized by
Partners of the event
From 2pm - BIG MEDIA Paris | Smart data for Rich media – How to improve content, user experience and the introduction of new payment methods? – at Télécom Paris
The 1st BIG MEDIA event in France is the new meeting place for professionals in media and Big Data strategies, in association with Télécom Paris and with the support of GESTE, GEN, Gfii and Alliance Big Data. Find out more
Technologies selected
■ Digital Publishing
- SemHash, large-scale recommendation engine for text content – Télécom Saint-Etienne.
- VIB (Virtual Interactive Behavior), software platform enabling automatic generation of non-verbal behavior for virtual characters – Télécom Paris
- SMILK, technology enabling extraction of precise information online, and production of links between such information that do not appear initially – INRIA
■ Multimedia – Video technology
- GPAC, innovative multimedia reader and production tool based on MPEG standards – Télécom Paris
- HSGS (High Speed Geometry Simplification), technology for real-time simplification of large 3D models (Big 3D Data) – Télécom Paris
- High dynamic range video (HDR), creation of scenes closer to human vision (contrast & realism) allowing better user experience – Télécom Paris
- Rapid transcoding H.264 to HEVC, transcoding technique with an excellent balance of quality and complexity – Télécom Paris
■ Multimedia – Imaging Technology
- DigInPix, a solution for the automatic identification of objects (logos, works of art, buildings etc.) in images or videos – INA
- Digital Image Forensic, recognition of faking in images and protection of their integrity – Eurecom
- Visual interactions and representations for augmented reality, the use of cloud technology for visual analysis in applications such as 3D reconstruction from images and object recognition – Télécom SudParis
■ Multimedia – Audio technology
- CAUMBOT, codec enabling individual control of components in sounds – Université de Bordeaux – CNRS – SATT Aquitaine
- Spatial Audio Coding allowing the compression of isolated sounds from instruments within a piece of music – Télécom Paris
- Audio identification using the extraction of fingerprints that contain rhythm and harmony information, allowing identification of a piece its cover versions – Télécom Paris
■ Education – Serious Game – Collaborative
- GaME, video game for learning music and instrument techniques, in which the player is motivated by various fun methods – Université de Bordeaux – CNRS – SATT Aquitaine
- PLINN, tool for the creation of safe and efficient collaborative environments that are suitable for fields in which visibility of content has to be managed via internet in a very precise and personalized way – Mines ParisTech
- eDUC, multimodal indexation, research and browsing software for promoting videos – Université de la Rochelle – SATT Grand Centre
- 10Clicks, highly accessible collaborative-working solution for SaaS multimedia professional tools – Télécom SudParis
■ Content security
- PROUD, innovative solution allowing the detailing and rolling-out of security policies covering externalised data – Télécom Bretagne
The Bourses aux Technologies concept
Bourse aux Technologies (Technology Days) by IMT are days for meetings and discussions between researchers and SMEs. The aim is to give SMEs easier access to academic research results and to consequently develop the innovations of the future. Its uniqueness lies in the fact it brings together technology produced in all the Institute’s schools as well as by its partners, in a given region and subject.
These events are part of the program set up by the CVSTENE Thematic Promotion Consortium (Investissements d’Avenir) devoted to digital sciences and technologies, for the promotion of the technology offerings of public research bodies.
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