Our schools feature in the Figaro Étudiant 2020 rankings !


Figaro Étudiant’s rankings of the top engineering schools in 2020 was revealed on Tuesday December 17, 2019.

Engineering schools were ranked in 10 separate categories.

Two of our schools were very highly ranked in three categories:

Télécom Paris, ranked top of the “Schools specializing in digital technology – computer science – mathematics” category and 5th in the “Schools of excellence” category

IMT Mines Alès, ranked 2nd in the “Schools specializing in building and public works – construction – civil engineering” category

Other noteworthy results:

  • in the “Schools of excellence” category (engineering schools targeted by students from prestigious preparatory courses and students with the best grades in the bacclauréat examination):
    • IMT Atlantique ranked 8th
    • Mines Saint-Etienne ranked 20th
  • in the “General and multidisciplinary schools” category (engineering schools that offer either a purely general degree or a very large number of specializations):
    • IMT Lille Douai ranked 11th
    • IMT Mines Alès ranked 13th
    • IMT Mines Albi ranked 34th
  • in the “Schools specializing in digital technology – computer science – mathematics” category:
    • Télécom SudParis ranked 10th
    • IMT Mines Alès ranked 23rd

Click here to see the Figaro Etudiant rankings