Institut Mines-Telecom signs up to the #StOpE initiative in 2023!
Institut Mines-Telecom is committed to tackling everyday sexism. As part of this, IMT is joining the group organizing the #StOpE initiative against ordinary sexism at work, with the initiative’s annual ceremony on January 25, 2023.
The #StOpE initiative was created in 2018 and now has 200 signatory organizations from both the public and private sectors (37 added in 2022 and 49 in 2023). Its objective is to work in collaboration to tackle everyday sexism in the workplace and promote initiatives and best practices on this issue. Since 2021, the #StOpE Initiative has been coordinated by the French Association of Diversity Managers (AFMD). #StOpE is an initiative that is committed to bringing about change and making a broad impact on organizations’ cultures.
The #StOpE initiative brings together a network of employers who have signed on to the eight commitments defined in the #StOpE charter:
- SHOWand APPLY a principle of zero tolerance
- RAISE AWARENESSof sexist behavior (words, actions, attitudes) and its impact
- OFFER TARGETED TRAININGon the obligations and best practices to tackle everyday sexism
- DISTRIBUTEeducational tools to employees so that they can confront sexist behavior in corporate settings
- ENCOURAGEall employees to get involved, prevent and identify sexist behavior, and react to ordinary sexism
- PREVENTsexist situations and offer personal support to victims, witnesses and decision-makers in reporting and handling sexist behavior
- PUNISHreprehensible behavior and send out communication on the relevant penalties
- MEASURE and implement tracking indicators
Odile Gauthier, Executive Director of Institut Mines-Telecom, also highlighted the initiatives in place at IMT to ensure gender equality in both hiring and pay.