GAIX_data federation

GAIA-X takes a major step towards a sovereign European digital infrastructure

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The teacher-researchers at Institut Mines-Télécom will share their expertise in AI, Big Data and cyber security. The GAIA-X initiative is another step towards a reliable and sovereign digital infrastructure for Europe.
Gagnants METHA Europe

METHA Europe 2020 – Who are the winners of the competition?

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The Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) graduate schools are organizing a major entrepreneurial competition in partnership with EVER Monaco, METHA Europe - Energy Management in Transport and Housing- in order to highlight the most innovative projects; this year, the organizers have chosen sustainable cities as their theme.

The summer school “Future IoT, IoT meets security” will take place from 5 to 9 October 2020 remotely

This year's edition is entitled "Making the IoT secure" and will present the world of the Industrial Internet of Things - the IoT that runs factories - from device manufacturing to communication protocol and semantics to application management.

IMT invests €1.6 million in the development of hybrid teaching

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The aim is to guarantee the start of the new academic year, whatever the health guidance may be at the time (number of people allowed in a given space, lockdown etc.), and also to speed up the implementation of new innovative practices and the pooling of certain resources across IMT graduate schools.

IMT’s winning dual incubation strategy

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The success story of the U.R.B.S. start-up, winner of the Le Monde Smart Cities Urban Innovation Award, illustrates IMT’s involvement in entrepreneurship with local support in its schools’ incubators and shared national and international programs.

Consistency of IMT’s international strategy rewarded by Erasmus+.

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This year, the IMT schools have collected almost 1.63 million euros from the European Commission for the financing of International Credit Mobility (ICM), i.e. mobility between schools and countries outside the EU.

Created to respond to the urgent needs of students at its schools, IMT’s Covid-19 Solidarity Fund, which became operational on 30 March, has distributed over €87,000 in aid so far.

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Institut Mines-Télécom acted quickly to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. Its Board of Directors voted unanimously to create a Covid-19 Solidarity Fund, ten days after the start of the lockdown.

Jean Jerphagnon Award: Antoine Dubrouil wins the 2019 Award

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Every year, researchers, students and industry representatives come together for the Jean Jerphagnon Award, which rewards innovation in the field of optics and photonics. This year, the jury and its president, Alain Aspect, have rewarded Antoine Dubrouil, physicist and founder of Femto Easy.

IMT is mobilising for the ecological transition at the start of the 2020 school year

On 4 June 2020, the student representatives of the 8 IMT schools were the spokespersons of a well thought-out proposal for the evolution of education towards the civic and ecological responsibility of the engineer.

IMT consolidates its strategy on MOOCs and enters a new phase

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IMT is ramping up its activities based on the MOOCs that were acclaimed by students and professionals alike during the lockdown period, and which it is now seeking to incorporate into certificates and a program-based approach.