14 Engineering Graduate Schools in 1 entrance examination: the TELECOM INT examination and the ECOLES des MINES common entrance examination will be consolidated in 2016
In December 2015, students in the scientific preparatory classes will register for a new entrance examination titled “Concours Mines-Télécom”. Applicants will have only one written series and one oral series in order to gain access to IMT’s 14 graduate schools and its partner schools.
Simplified access to the schools: common written and oral entrance examinations to simplify students’ schedules
The written tests in the Mines-Télécom examination remain the same as those of the common Mines-Ponts examination (CCMP). Both competitive examinations will use the same coefficients for the written component.
With the new Mines-Télécom examination, after the written part:
- there will be only one oral series for applicants eligible for the Mines-Télécom examination in order to access the 14 graduate schools* of IMT and its partner schools,
- the Mines-Télécom examination will take into account the scores for the orals of applicants eligible for the CCMP in order to access its schools.
The orals of the new Mines-Télécom examinations will take place in two locations: Paris and Evry, with the possibility of accommodation for applicants in Evry.
Why is the IMT taking this initiative?
This consolidation project stems from the dynamic that led to IMT, formed in 2012. Historically, the Albi, Alès, Douai and Nantes Mines schools had set up a common entrance examination, later joined by ENSTA Bretagne. For its part, Télécom SudParis had designed its own entrance examination, which eight partners joined. Analysis was undertaken to determine whether it was necessary to maintain two distinct systems, especially since the majority of applicants registered for both examinations. The decision was made to implement the Mines-Télécom entrance examination to simplify students’ entrance examination schedules without reducing their chances of entering a school.
According to Alain Schmitt, Director of Mines Albi-Carmaux and President of the common entrance examination of the Ecoles des Mines: “This project required a very close analysis of our respective written examinations, our ranking procedures, the applicants that we consider eligible and those who ultimately enter, in order to decide together what is most important.”
Christophe Digne, Director of Télécom SudParis, President of the TELECOM INT entrance examination and future President of the new examination, explains: “The 14 graduate schools of the Mines-Télécom entrance examination respond to the major challenges of today’s society, such as digital technologies, sustainable development and energy, or the 4.0 industries which integrate all of these dimensions. The offering is highly diversified and will prepare engineering students to be the drivers of change in our society.”
ENSTA Bretagne, ENSG Géomatique, ENSIIE, ENSSAT, Mines Albi-Carmaux, Mines Alès, Mines Douai, Mines Nantes, Mines Saint-Etienne (cycle ISMIN), Télécom Lille, Télécom Nancy, Télécom Physique Strasbourg, Télécom Saint-Etienne and Télécom SudParis.The list of the 14 schools included in the new Mines-Télécom entrance examination
Full details of this new entrance examination will be presented in September 2015.