The Economics of the Data Commons Chair at Institut Mines-Telecom welcomes bank SG to its sponsors
The “Economics of the Data Commons” (EDC) action-research chair at Institut Mines-Telecom is working on pooling data to draw out new economic and societal values. It aims to provide companies and public institutions with data-based cooperation solutions in an economy confronted with technological, social and environmental challenges. SG is joining the EDC Chair to participate in its multidisciplinary work.
A group’s strength is crucial to creating value from sharing data within an ecosystem and to tackling the challenges of sustainability. As digitalization expands throughout society, value will increasingly lie in organizations’ ability to develop new ways of cooperating with data. The EDC Chair uses case studies to provide a framework for these approaches with the aim of offering solutions to economic, legal, technical and organizational issues.
As a result of the merger of the Société Générale and Crédit du Nord networks, the bank SG is joining the EDC Chair as a sponsor. The EDC Chair’s research-action format, which combines research with a practical approach to the measures studied collectively, will allow the bank to contribute to new models of data governance, valuation and usage to support local economic, social and environmental transformations and ecosystems.
SG joins other Chair sponsors: Dassault Systèmes, L’Oréal, Orange and Newmeric.
A sponsorship convention was signed at VivaTech 2023 on June 16 by Odile Gauthier, President of Institut Mines-Telecom, Claude Imauven, President of the Fondation Mines-Telecom, and Karim Perdreau, Director of Data and AI of the SG network in France.