Télécom Evolution will be present at the ITS World Congress in Bordeaux

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Telecom_evolution_WebTélécom Evolution will be present at the ITS World Congress¹ in Bordeaux, showcasing its range of courses on intelligent transport and mobility, developed with the support of the government and leaders in the intelligent transport sector. Staffed by leading experts and professionals from the field, Télécom Evolution offers a comprehensive range of training options dedicated to the requirements of the Intelligent Mobility industry: formal qualifications, MOOCs and short courses.

New training for new careers

In order to provide the skills demanded by the new careers opening up in the intelligent mobility sector, Télécom Evolution has developed a flexible, ever-evolving range of courses:

  • A Specialist Certificate (CES): ITS and Mobility Project Leader

The aim of this course is to equip engineers and technicians with the skills they need to succeed in this rapidly-developing field, focusing on the expertise demanded by new modes of public and private transport, new forms of mobility, connected and self-driving cars and smart cities. With 21.5 days of teaching spread across 8 sessions and 12 months, this course leads to a CES Specialist Certificate issued by Télécom Bretagne.

  • A MOOC²: Stakes and challenges of Mobility 2.0  

The aim of this MOOC is to inform and educate non-specialists on the latest developments in mobility, providing the key information they need to understand intelligent transport systems. This MOOC is free and open to all, intended to serve as a starting point. Students may then opt to take their skills to the next level by enrolling in the CES program or on a specific short course.

  • Short courses of 2 to 4 days, for professionals from all fields looking to acquire in-depth expertise on a specific technology or socio-economic phenomenon which will shape the future of this sector.

Topics addressed: the opportunities offered by intelligent transport systems – communicating about intelligent transport – the next generation of transport and mobility services – remote ticketing solutions and their commercial and financial impact – intelligent transport and vehicles: integrated systems, automation – intelligent public transport – intelligent transport for cities.


This range of courses has been developed at the request of the MEDDE³ and ATEC’s ITS division4, with the support of leading industrial partners and the expertise of the professors of the Télécom schools forming IMT

In order to better satisfy the requirements of the government and the demands of the sector, Télécom Evolution has formed a network of high-profile partnerships to help develop this raft of training solutions: MEDDE, ATEC ITS, ADEME, IFSTTAR5, VEDECOM6 and MOV’EO7, not to mention the support provided by experts in this field from across the Télécom graduate schools. The wealth of research and standardization projects undertaken in this field* by our professors ensures that Télécom Evolution’s courses are always at the cutting edge of transport technology.

A few examples of sector-leading research projects led by researchers affiliated with IMT

ITS and intelligent cars

SCOOP@F: a pilot project to roll-out cooperative, intelligent transport systems, coordinated by the MEDDE (large-scale testing, with 3000 vehicles covering over 2000 km of road) in partnership with local authorities, road network operators, car manufacturers and systems manufacturers.

ITS and public transport

CORRIDOR: an ANR-led project focusing on cognitive radio systems for high-speed trains, aiming to resolve the compatibility issues which exist between the various wireless communication networks now available, conducted in partnership with railway operators SNCF and Thalès.

ITS and new mobility services

A number of projects are under way at IMT focusing on dynamic car-sharing solutions, pooled transportation and the joint development of innovative mobility services within a public-private ecosystem.

ITS and intelligent mobility

NORMATIS (new standards for the development of intelligent mobility services): an ANR-led project which aims to develop regional mobility strategies, using anonymized mobility data collected from smartphones and sensors to optimize transport systems.

ITS, open data and big data

At the request of the Secretary of State for Transport, Deputy Executive Director of IMT Francis Jutand is chairing a working group looking at opening up data on transport services and the potential impact on the development of new digital services and economic models by transport operators.

AUTO MAT: a European H2020 project based on vehicle and infrastructure data taken from sensors embedded in fleets of intelligent vehicles, transferred to a BIG DATA platform with a view to creating new services. The project will test this stored data on a marketplace and study their practical value as well as the business model of the value chain as a whole.
ITS and ticketing
ETS (Electronic Ticketing System): this project uses mobile internet and smartphone geo-location applications to increase the security of ticketing transactions, improve the monitoring of passengers on public transport and facilitating access to train platforms, metro stations and tram and bus stops. This innovative ticketing service is based on precise geo-location technology, analyzing stored data in cooperation with transport operators and mobile telephone operators.
ITS and energy
There are various projects in progress focusing on the interaction between electric vehicles and smart grids, including: CorriDoor: a European project bringing together 4 car manufacturers and an energy provider, with a view to establishing a network of rapid recharge points for electric vehicles across Europe’s network of highways.

GreenFeed: a French collaborative project aimed at developing services and solutions for electromobility.

1 http://itsworldcongress.com/ – ITS : Intelligent Transport Systems

2 MOOC: Massive Open Online Course

3 The Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy

4 The Association for the Development of New Technologies for Transport, the Environment and Traffic Management

5 The French Institute for Transportation Technology and Network Development

6 The Institute for Carbon-Free Intelligent Vehicles and Mobility

7Competitiveness Cluster


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