
France 2030: Institut Mines-Telecom appointed to set up the “France 6G” platform

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Institut Mines-Telecom has been chosen by the French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research to design and manage the future France 6G platform.

France 2030 plan : launch of the “Networks of the Future” research and 5G

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Within France 2030, 5G and future telecom network technologies have been identified as a target market with high growth potential in which France has strong capabilities.

Institut Mines-Telecom, leader in 5G technology and the networks of the future

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Institut Mines-Telecom is co-leading the "5G and Networks of the Future" priority research equipment and program (PEPR) alongside CEA and CNRS.

Attend the Beyond the Mobile Phone conference on November 30 in Paris

The 2022 edition of the Beyond the Mobile Phone conference will take place on November 30 in Paris.

On May 19, 2021, Qualcomm, EURECOM, France Brevets and IMT, hold a virtual 5G/Automotive Conference

This conference will showcase a unique insight into 5G technology research and development, the future of 5G in automotive, and best industry practices.

IMT to embark on two new European research projects with Japan and Korea on the Internet of Things and 5G

At the end of May the European Commission announced the results of two joint calls (Europe/Japan and Europe/Korea) of the Horizon 2020 program dedicated to digital technology. IMT is taking part in two new projects in the areas of the Internet…