Samir Ould-Ali appointed Secretary-General of Institut Mines-Télécom
Institut Mines-Télécom announces the appointment of its new Secretary-General by the decree of September the 25th made by the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty. Samir Ould Ali will begin his new duties on Jannuary the 1st for a five-year term. In light of the institution’s political, organizational and regulatory context, his main responsibilities will be to manage support services (HR, finance, legal, information systems and heritage) for IMT as a whole. Samir Ould Ali is also involved in developing and implementing Institut Mines-Télécom’s strategy.
He will be a full member of the executive management team at Institut Mines-Télécom. He will participate in the College of School Directors and lead the network of secretary-generals from IMT schools. He will attend meetings of the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity. He will contribute to the implementation of the establishment’s strategic orientations and development. He will also lead IMT’s operations and management.
“The world of education and research is progressing everyday thanks to the commitment of its workforce. I am pleased and proud to join Institut Mines-Télécom and help the 4,600 staff members complete their teaching, research and support services activities in optimal conditions by providing a modern and collaborative working environment.”