9th QPES symposium: ‘’Rising to the challenge of otherness in higher education’’

Where ? : Grenoble (place to define)
Contact : Jean-marie Gilliot, enseignant à Télécom Bretagne – jm.gilliot@telecom-bretagne.eu
The 9th symposium on Pedagogical issues in higher education will address the following questions:
How can you manage individuality in a learning team? Should we mix origins, cultures and personal experiences when forming groups? How do you make good use of a heterogeneous class? Can the teacher’s academic freedom and the student’s freedom of learning be reconciled?
I’m different: how can I find my place? And should/can I accept everything in the name of individuality?
Is it useful to know someone better in order to better accommodate the ‘other’ learner (or how to discover the teacher’s own epistemology)?
What are the personal and collective roles in reflexivity? Is relying on controversy to teach also learning how to deal with conflictuality? All these questions relate, amongst other things, to ‘otherness.’ Rising to the challenge of otherness means changing pedagogical practices.