Assia Tria appointed Director of IMT Mines Alès

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Assia Tria has been appointed Director of IMT Mines Alès.

Lionel Luquin, new Director of IMT Mines Albi

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As the head of IMT Mines Albi, Lionel Luquin’s mission is to strengthen the school’s integration in the Occitan region based on its key role in economic and scientific development...

Meeting: “Impact Analysis for Data Protection: the Case of Connected Cars”

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a research report will be presented on interactions between impact analysis for personal data protection (AIPD) arising from the legal obligation imposed by the GDPR and the operational needs of the automotive sector.

Institut Mines-Télécom develops a specific ecological transition competency framework to train students

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The ecological transition is by nature a complex and cross-sectoral issue that requires a new approach to knowledge transfer.

Institut Mines-Télécom signs a partnership with the Corporate Club for Medium-Sized Companies in the Grand Est region

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On October 15 in Strasbourg, under the aegis of the Grand Est region, represented by the Chairman of the Economic Commission Claude Sturni, and with support from the Mouvement des Entreprises de Taille Intermédiaire (METI), represented by its…

Signature of the Roadmap for the Ecological Transition at IMT

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The Institut Mines-Télécom adopts its roadmap for the ecological transition, unanimously voted at the Board of Directors meeting of June 24, 2021. The roadmap was signed by all school directors and the general management at the Directors'…

E-health application: Institut Mines-Télécom has designed a secure, privacy-aware, tamper-proof protocol

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The research team of the Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair have designed a protocol for e-health applications

Institut Mines-Télécom partners with Bpifrance for Industry 4.0 in France and Germany

Bpifrance partnered with Institut Mines-Télécom to bring together industry and technology through an immersive project promoting Industry 4.0 in France and Germany. The first stage of the “Learn & Pick Nuremberg” mission is now…
Prix de la pédagogie IMT

Institut Mines-Télécom rewards educational innovation

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IMT organized its first-ever IMT Teaching Award for "commitment, teaching, education".
Signature du partenariat

Institut Mines Telecom, IMT Atlantique and Airbus CyberSecurity extend their partnership

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This historic partnership with Airbus CyberSecurity is now extended to all Institut Mines-Télécom schools, who will be able to develop new collaborations focusing on cybersecurity skills.