Alliance industrie du furur

Uniting, accelerating and transforming French industrial tools: official launch of the Alliance for the Industry of the Future

The official foundation of the Alliance for the Industry of the Future association was announced on Monday 20th July in Bercy, and was attended by Emmanuel Macron, Minister for the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs. At the same time, Philippe…

Prologue, Télécom SudParis and IMT sign a technological partnership in the field of collaborative digital healthcare

Prologue, Télécom SudParis and IMT have just signed a technological partnership called HEBE which is intended to provide solutions based on technology using Cloud Computing, Big Data, IoT (Internet of Things) and Machine-to-Machine communication…

1st Entrepreneurial Challenge by IMT

IMT held its first student Entrepreneurial Challenge from 26th to 28th June at Mines Alès, bringing together its Mines and Télécom graduate schools. The challenge for the teams, who were from the network of Mines-Télécom schools, was to…

Appointments: Francis Jutand as Deputy CEO and Christian Roux as Director of Research & Innovation

Francis Jutand Previously Scientific Director of IMT, Francis Jutand became Deputy CEO on June 1st. The Institute is a major public player in France and Europe in higher education, research and innovation in engineering and digital technologies,…

2014 Fondation Mines-Télécom Annual report: a fundraising record

Fondation Mines-Télécom collected more than €4.1m in 2014, 14.5% more than in 2013. These donations have consolidated its activities supporting the Télécom graduate schools of IMT. Fondation Mines-Télécom’s annual report outlines all…

14 Engineering Graduate Schools in 1 entrance examination: the TELECOM INT examination and the ECOLES des MINES common entrance examination will be consolidated in 2016

In December 2015, students in the scientific preparatory classes will register for a new entrance examination titled “Concours Mines-Télécom”. Applicants will have only one written series and one oral series in order to gain access to…

Industry of the Future: An ambitious association driven by a strong mobilization with concrete objectives for a new industrial era

In the coming weeks the AFDEL,[1] the FIM,[2] the Gimélec,[3] the Symop,[4] Syntec Numérique,[5] the UIMM,[6] the CEA,[7] the CETIM,[8] the ENSAM[9] and IMT are to establish an association dedicated to the industry of the future. It will have…

IMT trains teaching staff of its graduate schools on developments in teaching practices

After considering the profile of the engineer in 2030, IMT is now looking at the development of teaching and learning practices in the all-digital and MOOC era. This was the subject of its MEDIANE* winter school, held last January, which brought…

And the big winners of the Fondation Mines-Télécom prize for 2015 are…

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On Tuesday April 7, the Fondation Mines-Télécom awards ceremony was held at the premises of its partner Numericable SFR. Best work placements, best doctorate theses and most promising start-ups: discover the winners and their projects! Three…

Launch of the 1st MOOC on satellite telecommunications, supported by the Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation

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Eager to learn more about satellite communications, understand how satellites are designed, or how the associated terrestrial installations? Thanks to the “Introduction to satellite communications” MOOC you will understand the wide-ranging…