Futuring cities

Town planning & quality of life – Futuring cities

IMT and its partners are pleased to invite you to Town planning & quality of life Futuring cities On Thursday 11th December 2014 - from 9am to 6pm in Lyon   The theme for the third day of the “Futuring cities” initiative…

“Natural Resources and Environment” Conference

The “Natural Resources and Environment” Conference was held at IMT on 5 and 6 November 2014 under the best auspices. The event brought together some one hundred experts, professors-researchers, prominent speakers and partners of the schools…
Denis Guibard

Denis Guibard, the new Dean of Télécom Ecole de Management

The Director of Sustainable Development, Products and Services at Orange since 2009, Denis Guibard is now Dean of Télécom Ecole de Management, starting from 1st December 2014. Find out more
Portrait de l'ingénieur en 2030

IMT presents a portrait of the engineer of 2030

In this fast-changing world with its digital transformation and energy transition, what challenges will engineers be facing in 2030 and, above all, what cross-functional skills will they be expected to have? Plenty has already been written on…

IMT hosts a Taiwanese delegation

A Taiwanese delegation including Professor Jason Yi-Bing Lin, Vice-Minister for Science and Technology, Professor Chien Chou, Director of the Department of International Cooperation (Ministry of Science and Technology) and Dr. Tsou Yu-Han, Director…

Agreement signed for the creation of a Franco-Russian lab

IMT, the Russian Academy of Science and Tomsk State University signed an agreement for the creation of a joint laboratory, called Qualipso, in the area of the quality of web applications. Research will focus in particular on the use of formal…
Bourses aux technologies

The next Bourse aux Technologies by IMT is on 20 November at the Télécom Physique Strasbourg, themed on digital health technologies

The Bourses aux Technologies run by the IMT are days for meetings and discussions between researchers and SMEs. The aim of the exercise is to provide SMEs with easier access to the results of academic research and thus to develop future innovations.…
Cahier de veille "Higher Education in the digital Age, Rise of the MOOCs"

Higher Education in the digital Age, Rise of the MOOCs: the new Fondation Mines-Télécom brochure is available now

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The challenges of higher education and professional training in the digital age are strategically monitored by the Fondation Mines-Télécom. And they are also the subject of the latest brochure published by the foundation, available for download…
Contribuez à l'ambition numérique de la France

National debate: the future of our society in a digital age

‘Everyone can take part in building the digital society in which they wish to live.’ On Saturday 4 October, we initiated a national digital debate, calling on the French people to give their opinions about four subjects linked to the social…

Conference on natural resources and the environment – sign up now!

On 5 and 6 November 2014, Institut-Mines-Télécom is organizing its 4th conference. The topic for this event will be: ‘Natural resources and the environment’. This conference will be the opportunity to present the Research & Innovation…