Back to school for the “Innovation, Management, Digital Technologies” bachelor’s degree students in Dakar
It is in Senegal, a country resolutely committed to a plan to transform its economy and higher education, that IMT has chosen to pursue its projects in Africa. In 2019, IMT thus opened its own space, the Edulab IMT, and launched the Bachelor’s degree “Innovation, Management, Digital Technologies”, which is based on the experience of the Institut Mines-Télécom Business School and Sup de Co Dakar.
The 16 students of the 1st promotion of the Bachelor’s degree ” Innovation, Management, Digital Technologies ” are getting ready to start the academic year on October 19th. They will be joined on November 9th by the students of the second promotion. The opportunity for IMT to launch its own website:
The bachelor’s courses are delivered on the premises of Sup de Co Dakar and at the Edulab, a place of training and pedagogical experimentation. This space also welcomes French and Senegalese institutions which, like IMT, wish to test their pedagogical models or develop new ones in Africa. It is also open for all types of events: company seminars, recruitment sessions, coaching sessions, coworking, multi-site events, etc. The Institut Mines-Télécom aims to be a leading player in the growth dynamic in Africa with several partnerships already active in the west of the continent, notably in Ivory Coast, with IMT Atlantique, a partner of ESATIC (Ecole Supérieure Africaine des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication) and with Mines Saint-Etienne, a partner of the Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouet-Boigny (INPHB). IMT Mines Albi has a double degree with the 2IE in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Finally, a partnership agreement between IMT and the University of Pretoria (South Africa) sealing a collaboration between the incubators of both institutions was signed in 2020.