"Futur, ruptures & impacts" program

A gateway to a PhD: supporting research on forward-looking topics

Since 2008, the Futur, Ruptures & Impacts program has been funding upstream research activities within IMT, focusing on forward-looking topics. Co-funded by the Fondation Mines-Télécom and Carnot Télécom & Société numérique, this program is a key driver in strengthening scientific excellence and supporting PhD candidates in their research.

Apply for one of our PhD positions and join an ambitious program that redefines research and its impact!

4 étudiants

Seize this opportunity to drive tomorrow’s transformations

This PhD funding program supports radically new approaches with the potential to bring lasting transformations to industry and society. It fosters deep impacts in key areas such as ecology, environment, digital technologies, and beyond.

By taking part, you will contribute to addressing major societal and industrial challenges of our time.

PhD Topics by IMT’s Technological Universities and partners (in French and English)


Nommer votre fichier comme suit : nom.prenom.pdf / Entitled your file: name.firstname.pdf

Thanks to my PhD at IMT, I am contributing to the transformation of transportation systems in rural areas by developing decision-support tools to optimize public transport services.

Liz, PhD student at IMT Mines Albi

A mission at the heart of major transitions

This initiative aims to implement a long-term vision and explore new scientific approaches in fields such as future networks and industries, advanced materials, process engineering, decision and systems sciences, as well as ecological, energy, and industrial transitions.

Through this program, IMT reaffirms its pioneering role in addressing the major technological and scientific challenges of tomorrow while strengthening the link between academic research and industrial applications.

PhDs funded
PhD candidates supported each year

Training engineers, managers, and researchers to tackle global transitions: IMT prepares engineers, managers, and PhD graduates to address digital, energy, industrial, and ecological transitions in France, Europe, and beyond.

The PhD at IMT: scientific excellence at the core of major challenges

Research projects primarily conducted in partnership with companies and backed by secured PhD funding (Cifre, scholarships, etc.)

of PhD graduates recruited by companies after their doctorate
doctoral schools across France