College of Societal Transitions Conference-Debate | “Local Democracy and Citizen Engagement – Responding to Urgent Ecological and Social Issues”

Faced with urgent ecological (extinction of living species, climate crisis etc.) and social issues, major decisions must be made at all levels, including within our “communities of action”. These structural changes will require the mobilization and engagement of as many people as possible in order to act together: local authorities (elected officials, services), the State, civil society (organizations and companies). But given our current crisis of confidence in democracy*, what solutions can be found at the local level? What forms of citizen engagement and approaches can respond to these challenges? What programs can be developed and for what purpose? How can different stakeholders form relationships and work together? Does civil society truly want to participate and contribute to these efforts? What lessons can be learned from the various experiments underway?

at IMT Atlantique, campus de Nantes, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, Nantes